Thursday, April 14, 2016


This is a short one from Gracie, who lives in Philadelphia:

In the dream I’m at home with my husband Ronnie. We’re asleep in our bed, which is in the living room for some reason.  I wake up to see the receptionist that I work with in real life. She’s walking around our condo and she started asking me questions. I was embarrassed by my big bed hair and pajamas. I answered her questions and sat up. She laughed at my big hair and couldn’t believe how different I looked at work. I told her that I love my big hair, and she shrugged and walked away. I felt like she was invading my privacy and was disrespectful. I didn't want to go to work after that.

Home with hubby is a nice, safe, private situation.  Asleep in a bed in the living room is unusual.  The bed should be in the bedroom.  Right away, I’m wondering if for some reason Gracie’s private life is being made less private.  If maybe her bedroom habits are being put out in a more open forum?  If maybe someone she knows casually (like only a greeting level, which is what a receptionist does) is being too curious about her private life? 

Bed is generally known to be a sleeping place as well as a place for sexual activity.  I’m wondering if our Dreamer, Gracie, is causing unwonted curiosity from a casual acquaintance about her sexual preferences? Big bed hair can be symbolic of bedroom thinking.  It’s appropriate for our hair to get messy and all-over-the-place when we’re asleep.  After all, aren’t our night-thoughts (dreams) messy and all-over-the-place? It’s certainly nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of.

Nevertheless, Gracie becomes attentive and answers the questions from the enquiring receptionist.  The receptionist laughs, which – in a free country such as ours purports to be – she is quite at liberty to do.  This suggests that while Grace is not ashamed to share her innermost thoughts with mere acquaintances (as opposed to true friends) and she is not ashamed to be who she is (bad bed hair and all), she becomes offended when people react negatively to what her true nature is during safe, private times.

In this dream, Gracie’s psyche isn’t telling her that she is wrong to be who she is, nor that curious receptionists are unkind.  Rather, she is being cautioned as to where her bed is being placed.  It’s wonderful that she’s open-hearted and trusting enough to answer questions about private matters being asked by relative strangers.  But she must learn to discern whether it’s appropriate to reveal her innermost thoughts (bed hair) and personality (pajamas) to relative strangers. 

Why take offense by the receptionist’s reaction and why withdraw from the workplace… when she could have avoided it all by simply refusing to answer inappropriate questions in an inappropriate place from an inappropriate person?

This dream is Gracie’s psyche giving her great advice… what NOT to do under certain circumstances.

Happy snoozles ahead, folks!

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