Saturday, January 14, 2017


Ruth from North Dakota sent this dream to me for interpretation:

I’m at a work event, and I’m puzzled.  I’m hanging out at a previous work place and not my current work place.   The workers are talking to each other and once  in a while, someone nods at me or greets me, but I’m no longer really one of them because I’ve moved on to a different job.  Then my current boss walks into the room, and I’m surprised.  I think, “What’s he doing here in my old workplace?”  He and some of the others exchange greetings, but that’s it.  He sees me and comes up to me and I’m still wondering why he’s at this workplace.  He says, “C’mon, let’s get some yogurt.”  We go into the kitchen and he opens the fridge and takes out two yogurts and gives one to me.  We sit down and eat our yogurts.  I’m wondering why everyone seems to know him and accept him as part of the workplace.

 Before trying to interpret the dream, I had to ask Ruth a few questions:  (1) Are you considering “moving on” from your current work situation… maybe even harboring regret at leaving an “old” workplace behind?  (2)  Is there a chance your new workplace is being bought out by a larger company?

She answered:  (1)  Yes, I’ve been unhappy with my current situation and sending my resume around.  In fact, I’ve considered reapplying to an old workplace.  (2) Yes, my current company is merging into a bigger one.

Okay.   Here’s the interp:  Since she’s sending her resume around, her spirit and commitment have already withdrawn from the current environment of her current workplace.  She no longer feels close to her co-workers which is why she feels distant from them. 

Then her “current” boss enters the picture and is recognized by the “old” co-workers.  Not only that, he’s familiar with the rules and routine of the “old” workplace.  The fact that he removes her from the “old” environment and gives her yogurt is significant.  Her psyche is sending her a message that her boss knows about her dissatisfaction in the current assignment and he plans to move her to a new assignment.

Since it’s an “old” workplace they’re leaving behind BUT WITHIN THE SAME BUILDING with established routines (free yogurt in the fridge for all employees), Ruth’s dream suggests that the merger will indeed succeed, and her boss has already considered her role in the work structure of the new merged  company.

Not only that, the fact that his act of reassurance is giving her yogurt, he intends to nourish her in the new merged environment.

ADDENDUM:  Ruth emailed me back after I sent her the dream.  She thanked me profusely, admitting that while she wasn’t happy in her latest assignment at work, she really liked and respected her boss.  She’s decided to hang in until after the merger.

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