Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Francine is the daughter of a woman (Ruthie) I befriended in New York long ago.  Ruthie and I have kept in touch over the years to share news about our mutual interest:  Non-terrestrials (aka “aliens).  When her daughter told her about this dream, she persuaded her daughter to contact me.  It’s a really long, complex dream, but I consider it to be a magnificent harbinger of what’s about to happen in this phase of humanity’s evolution. 

Dream 1 - The dream begins at my condo. My Mom is visiting for the week and invites me to join her in an "extra area" of the condo.  She had moved to Queens years before when the apartments had converted to condos and I had bought the condo.  I was shocked to hear that there was an area of the condo that I didn't know about since I had been living in it my entire life. I asked her why she never showed it to me before and she said that "it isn't renovated and needs a lot of work". She opens a door I had never seen before and I follow her down a hallway with wooden flooring to an open kitchen with windows. I stare out of the windows, spellbound at the beauty of the view outside.  I never realized there was a forest and a long, winding river in my own back yard.

A “hidden room” is always suggestive of a big secret.  The “secret” her mother reveals to her is not personal.  It’s about a separate reality which co-exists with the one we’re experiencing at any given moment.  A forest represents a living environment, but one which promises more privacy than, say, a desert landscape of endless sand.  The river suggests “life” because humanity cannot live without water.  Because her mother Ruthie has always had access to this other reality but never fully exposed Francine to it before, Ruthie has apparently protected her daughter from it.  Because Ruthie is a strong proponent of life on other planets and galaxies, at this point I suspected that the other reality symbolized by this dream is the fact that we already co-exist with non-terrestrial beings, but many of us simply are afraid to open that “hidden” door in all our homes.  Even if we are aware of where that door leads, most of us simply refuse to “go there.”

After reading this paragraph, I knew it was about NT’s finally “coming out” of the closet.  My concern was whether Francine was gonna believe me.  I mean, to me it’s obvious, but to people who don’t believe other life exists out there, it’s a far-fetched interpretation to an innocent dream.  When Ruthie admits she was holding back the secret of the hidden room because "it's not renovated and needs work," she is saying NT's have always been around, but our consciousness evolution wasn't ready yet to accept that truth.  We had to "renovate" our thinking about NT's and the NT's had to work on the method by which they reveal themselves to humanity.  But, read on... to my happy surprise, Francine’s psyche is busy getting her to understand the true meaning of her dream.

My wife, Susie, appears and I jump with excitement when I see her. I say, "See! I knew that 1,002 square foot was way more than what we thought we had! There is no way that 1,002 sq ft is just 2 bedrooms and a living room."  Susie laughed and looked around in shock, "Where are we?" I looked towards my Mom who was wiping down the kitchen area. The stove, sink, and walls were covered in dust. I answered Susie, "This is an extra area to our condo we didn't know about! Maybe we can rent it out for extra money." My Mom intercepted, "No, there is no bathroom. You can't rent it out, unless you want to share your space." I was upset that there was no bathroom, "Is there a bedroom?" My Mom walked towards a hidden staircase and said, "Yes!"

As Susie and I followed my Mom down the staircase, we passed a small office space with windows all around that overlooked the forest from a 2nd floor. We lowered the staircase into a small, cute bedroom with a door that opened to the river. I yelled, "Oh my God! This is gorgeous. I've always wanted a view of water." I looked past the bedroom into another kitchen, "Another one???" I asked my Mom why there wasn't a bathroom, and she looked like she was hiding something. It was in that moment that I had a sudden memory of being in this room alone as a child. I had wandered there by accident and got terrified after seeing a ghost. I looked at my Mom with terror and asked, "Is this room haunted?" My Mom nodded and opened the door to the river. I frowned at Susie and said, "Damn! We can't rent out a haunted room."  Susie just shook her head. She thinks it’s funny when I'm greedy.

Within the planet-earth reality that Ruthie exposed her daughter to, enough subliminal information affected Francine which prepared her for the existence of other realities.  During sleep, our soul consciousness visits these other realities.  One of the other dimensions which exist is the one where those who die (i.e., leave current conscious reality) progress to.  Francine is already gifted with reaching those other realities.  Of course, her current practical Francine self is more impressed at the chance of making money than she is at the fact that she can access those other dimensions. 

As we follow my Mom to the river area, we see that there is a resort next door with cabins and a security shack. "There's a resort next door? People pay to come here? And we can come for free?", I exclaim. My Mom walks into the river and joins a woman who is staring at the building we just came out of. I don't even question walking in the water and join my Mom. I greet the woman who says, "Is that room for rent?" I say, "We were thinking about it. Maybe $1000/month?" The woman's eyes widen, "Only $1000?" I say, "Maybe more." My wife laughs and pulls me away to a hill. She says, "Let's watch the sunset." This is where the 2nd dream starts....

Dream 2 – Susie leads me to the top of a hill that overlooks a vast city. We hold hands and enjoy the sunset. Suddenly a helicopter appears in the distance and it is flying very erratically. I point it out to Susie and say, "Oh no, I hope it isn't malfunctioning." Then we notice a small sphere of light flying around the helicopter. Then there are two lights around the helicopter. In that moment, I realize that the two lights are UFOs. I had grown up in a household that believes in UFOs and aliens, but Susie had not.  I turned to her and said, "Honey, I know this is going to sound very scary, but I think those are UFOs." Sure enough, Susie tenses up, horrified. I hold her shoulders and look into her eyes, "Please do what I do and follow my lead. Everything is going to be okay." My calm energy is startling to her, because usually I am very silly. She says, "What's happening?" That's when hundreds of UFOs enter the sky and cover the entire city. There are even a few directly on top of us. 

Francine finally gets it.  Within the planet-earth reality that Ruthie exposed her daughter too, enough subliminal information affected Francine which prepared her for the existence of other realities and other species of living souls.  The dust covering the earth-reality kitchen suggests that we “leave” earth-reality existence during sleep when our consciousness becomes focused on alternate realities.  This is why many of us often have “weird” dreams of other lives and worlds.  The "resort" Francine finds in this environment refers to the fact that, as many whistle-blowers have been claiming for years, many countries on Earth have already established bases on the moon and other planets and galaxies.  (NOTE:  The "Star Gate" TV series is not just Sci-Fi make-believe... it is REAL!  There are many shows on the GAIA website which addresses this disclosure.)  The elite "hidden" government who have created the off-planet resorts don't want us normal earth people to know about these bases.

I look around the forest area and see dozens of people screaming and running into the forest. I see my Mom calmly collecting a group of people saying something like, "Alright everyone, we knew this would happen. Please stay with me. Stay calm. It will be alright." I say to Susie, "Please please please stay with me. If you don't see where I am, find my Mom. We are not afraid of this and know what to do. I know that this is scary and you are worried about your family, but please stay in this moment and stay calm right now." Susie calms herself and nods. I take her hand and lead her back down the hill where people are either freaking out, excited and happy, or completely unfazed. I see that chalk lines have been drawn on the road and realize that we are all to line up. I pull Susie into my line but an unseen force pushes her into a different line a few hundred feet away. She resists the force and tries to grab my hand. I smile and say, "Please breathe, stay calm, and keep me in your sight. Go where the force is taking you, and if you can't see me, look for my Mom. I will come find you." She nods and gets pulled away by the force.

While I stand in my line, I have a gut instinct that I don't need to stay in the line, so I jump to a different one. At this point, no aliens have made their presence known. People are acting based on unseen forces and whispering voices. I somehow understand everything and navigate with ease. I am standing in the far-left line of 4 lines drawn about 7 feet apart. As people stand in line, they don't understand how they knew to line up. I get behind a group of stereotypical "redneck hillbillies" and listen in on their conversation. One of the rednecks says, "Yeah, I knew this was comin'. I'm so god damn excited, I want to meet an alien really badly. I want to see their faces and ask 'em questions!" Another redneck says, "One of these fuckers tried to get into my laundry room last night, so I clocked the bitch and broke my knuckle!" Another redneck said, "That's bullshit. You ain't never seen no aliens. You know they ain't here to harm us. They're just studying and shit." I was shocked and impressed at how calmly they discussed aliens.  I decided to keep note of them in case I wanted to team up with them later to create a plan for something, since they know a lot.

Just the ”idea” of NT’s will scare many people into hiding in the forest, where their personal belief systems are sheltered and can be protected.  Others have instinctively “known” all along and take the event in stride.  Still others are curious enough to stay to find out what’s going to happen next.  The chalk lines in the dirt organize the different levels of acceptance and belief individuals have reached in this earth-reality lifetime.  Francine belongs on a different line than Susie, because she not only accepts NT’s as real and valid to our reality, but because, with the help of her mother, who already accepted NT existence, she is prepared for the revelation.  In fact, Francine doesn't need to be in any line because she is meant to lead others (including Susie, her wife) into an ultimate acceptance and belief of the phenomenon.   Her mother is a leader of leaders, teaching others how to lead their own personal groups into calm acceptance.  Ruthie’s very presence in her daughter’s life has prepared Francine for this role.

I jump into a different line and go to the back where I see a group of stereotypical "millennials" stare at their phones and take selfies while standing in line. I am so disgusted by their lack of interest and ignorance, I immediately jump to a different line. I am now in the far-right line and jump up and down to look for my wife. I see her in the distance near my Mom talking to people and processing her anxiety. I am glad that she isn't internalizing it. Suddenly, a red plastic fish decoration that was on someone's front yard runs past me, animated as if it were real. I know in this exact moment that the alien forces are testing us to gauge our level of fear regarding their abilities and technology. I look around at people's reactions to this plastic fish using its plastic fins to run and see a few dozen people scream and run into the forest. There were about 200 people in the lines and now there's about 150. I feel sad knowing that people's fears of the unknown will prevent them from speaking with the aliens and receiving their important message. 

I jump to the line on the far left, where I originally was next to the hillbillies and move to the very front. At this point, a small red metal vehicle (like a narrow Smart Car) zooms straight towards me as if it’s going to crush everyone in the line. I knew that this was another test and didn't budge, while a few more dozen people ran into the forest screaming. I watch them run and say, "Fuck. Can't these people see that we're just being tested? They have no intent to hurt us. Their powers are beyond our understanding and they could crush us in a second if they wanted to." A little boy, about 8 years old, overhears me. He is sitting on a railing next to the road (with a bunch of other kids) and stares at me in shock. He whispers to me, "You know! You know what's going on. You know who these things are. You need to help us." I smile at him and place my finger to my mouth to say, "Shhhh." Just then, something that looks like a human appears from around the corner wearing a yellow skirt and a red tank top. Its face looks like a squirrel with big eyes and teeth, but it has skin on its body and face like a human. Once again, I know this is a test and stay calm, but people in line see it and run into the forest screaming. At this point, there are only about 75 people in my lines. The squirrel person talks like the cartoon Goofy and walks strangely with jerky moves. It says, "Why, hello everybody? How are ya doin'? It sure is nice to see you all." The squirrel person walks past the little boy I spoke to, and I see the little boy take a steak knife out of his pocket. The little boy looks at me and asks permission to stab the squirrel person in the back of the neck with the knife. I make a very stern face and motion for him to put that knife away. I say just loud enough for the boy to hear me, "Do not hurt it. This is just one of many and you will not be helping anything. Put that away now." The little boy frowns but puts the knife away. 

Francine’s role will not only be to recognize the people who will help her accomplish her goal of acclimating frightened humans, but to recognize “tests” and guide people through them, and even persuade those who immediately translate their fear into a violent reaction.  In addition, one of the methods by which the NT’s want us to accept them is through comedy.  They’re willing to act silly to dissipate a fearful response.  The squirrel face is meant to ease us into accepting that hominids with animal faces do exist on other planets and galaxies.   Some of them came to planet earth long ago and lived with us.  Humans treated them as gods but they were actually just from an advanced civilization from other planets.  Note the animal-headed creatures depicted on ancient Egyptian ruins and in other cultures throughout the world.

As the squirrel person moves up and down the line, people either run away or just stare at it. At this point, I see that other lines are merging with ours, so I quickly locate Susie, whose line is moving towards mine, and I wave at her. She still looks terrified, but she waves back. She is holding hands with other women who also look scared. As her line moves next to mine, I jump into it and hug her. She says, "I saw your Mom. She is leading people calmly out of the woods. She is helping them find their lines." I said, "Great! How are you?" On the verge of tears, my wife starts shaking, "I'm worried about my mom and my brother." I calmly rub her arms up and down. I look her in the eyes and say softly, "Susie, worrying about your family is natural and very appropriate. I’m sure that at this exact moment they’re worrying about you, too." She nods her head hopefully. I continue, "They are going to be okay. The aliens aren’t here to hurt us. It’s okay to be scared, but we can’t be hateful or foolish. Your family is none of those things. Susie, I need you to put your strong persona on and help those around you. You’re a strong leader, and you have me by your side. People who trust you need that part of you that’s strong, full of faith, and full of positivity. Please help me keep people calm. I know you can do this." After a moment, Susie nods and smiles.  Dream ends.

I felt goose pimples all over my body at the end of reading Francine’s dream.  What a magnificent prophetic story.  There are now hundreds of internet “disclosure” revelations that NT’s are on the verge of revealing themselves.  There are rumors that they will begin to prepare us by coming to us in dreams. 

Francine, you have just received such a dream!  God bless you for allowing me to share your dream with others. 

I wish my blog-followers a dream experience as comforting and revealing as this.  Above all, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR INSTINCTS.  There are still “negative” NT’s out there who don’t want us to evolve and interact with the good guys.  It helps their agenda to keep humanity in fear, because they can control us better.  TRUST YOUR INNER TRUTH.

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