Thursday, December 8, 2016


This dream was sent by Ernie from Wisconsin:

I just had a really weird dream about Tony, my stepfather.  We were living together and he was really frustrated with something.  I think it was partially because the place was a mess… it was extremely messy.  Even for me.  It reminded me of how this hoarder I knew used to live.  And one day we were outside and I asked Tony why he was mad, and he just picked up this weed off the ground.  It was the size of a silver dollar had one main stem that turned into 3 stems.  Each stem had only 2 leaves, kinda resembling a clover.  And he picked up the weed and just gave me this angry look, like “what the fuck are these doing here?”  And that was it.  He went back to the house and my dream ended.

Okay, so we all know what “weed” is, right?  We also know the difference between a regular father and a “stepfather.”

So I would postulate certain things and suggest Ernie consider the answers to my questions carefully.

(1)   I assume you no longer live with Tony.  While you did live with him, was he stern with you, taking his role as a responsible parent seriously?  Did he try to guide you on sensible habits, like keeping your room neat and clean?  Maybe you resented his treatment because he wasn’t your “real” father?  Did he try to guide your moral compass… the difference between right and wrong?  By the language he used in asking you about the weed, was he overly intense and challenging?

(2)  In your current lifestyle, are you perhaps indulging in something which could lead to some type of addiction?  (Keep in mind, even acceptable things like coffee, cigarettes and alcohol are addictive.) Perhaps at the stage you’re in, it’s not yet addictive, but it could LEAD to addiction.  This is suggested by the fact the weed is the size of a silver dollar and “stems” into other things.  It could even be cheap (silver dollar) and something you think is “lucky” for you to take (clover).  Gambling fits into that category.  Nowadays they have penny machines.  Re the stems, "3" in Numerology stands for "making others happy" and "2" is "partnership."  Are you indulging primarily just to make others comfortable around you?  Group indulgence can turn to "partnership" indulgence (just making one other person happy) and before you know it you're hooked all by yourself.

Perhaps Tony was not an ideal father for you.  Perhaps his attitude and approach were not appropriate for the kind of person you are.  Perhaps you needed a kinder, more affirmative type of father.  If you can find a way to overlook his “manner” and focus only on the message, aren’t they positive messages which will guide you to a healthier type of life?  Clean rooms are nice and living an addicted-free life is good.

Perhaps this dream comes to you now because it’s time for you to rethink your views of a man who only wanted “good” things for you, but who didn’t have the skills to present his ideas in a way acceptable to you.  Your psyche is using circumstances in your life to send you this dream for two reasons.  The first is to warn you about your current habits.  The second reason is to suggest you do some re-evaluating about your stepfather, Tony. 

This was a great guidance dream, Ernie.  Wishing you many more constructive snoozles ahead.

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