Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Often, someone asks me to interpret a dream with the proviso that when I publish it, I change the names of the characters to protect the innocent.  Okey-dokey, here we go.

Let’s call this dreamer  Derek.  He’s  a cop in the Mideast U.S. who recently met a woman (let’s call her “Stella”) at work and is wondering whether to ask her out on a date.  She’s new to the precinct and works a desk job.  She is quiet and keeps to herself, but Derek thinks Stella’s very smart and somewhat ambitious.  After a week of pondering his options, he had this dream. 

In the dream I’m approaching a two-story blue house.  It’s old and simple.  No fancy landscaping.  No flowers.  Just lawn which is neat but just barely green.   I ring the doorbell and no one answers.  The door is unlocked so I enter.

The living room has routine furniture and basically simple.  No frills.  On one wall is a portrait of a man, woman and a little girl.  There’s a small 10-gallon fish tank on a table in front of the painting, and there’s water in it, but nothing else.  No fish. 

Inside a display case are wine glasses, some mementos and a few pictures.  One picture is of Stella in a graduation gown and cap.  I realize this is her house. Another picture is of her and three girls, all smiling at camera.

What a great dream!  Apparently you are gifted with “intuition”… an ability to sense things about people (terrific skill for a cop).  Your interest in this woman has fed your brain many cues about her, and now your psyche is sending you this dream to interpret all those intuitive cues.  The house represents Stella.  Old and simple means traditional values.  The simple front yard suggests Stella isn’t inclined to worry about what people think of her.  She doesn’t worry about being in fashion, being politically correct, and generally doesn’t care about spending too much time on her appearance.   She’s neat and clean, and that’s good enough for her.

She doesn’t answer the door so you should be prepared for her to ignore any initial efforts you make to befriend her.  If you remain “cool” and casual,  she’ll “open up” to you eventually.  Her social aspect (living room) is simple with no frills.  The featured painting suggests she honors and loves her parents.  Inside the display case:  Wine glasses suggests she probably only drinks on special occasions; her graduation picture tells you that she takes education seriously and intends to use it (which answers your  suspicion that she’s ambitious); finally, she has three female friends whom she values.   

There’s a table for four in the small dining cove.  The kitchen is very organized. All kinds of utensils and pots and pans hang from a central platform in the center over a butcher-block cutting table.  I climb up the stairs to the second floor. There’s a bathroom, one small bedroom sparsely furnished, and a master bedroom with its own small bath.

The master bedroom is hers.  A bunch of portrait drawings hang on the walls, with her signatures on them.  Beside the window in one corner is an easel next to a table filled with sketch pads, pencils and other drawing things.  Her clothes are neatly arranged in the closets.  In a sheltered area surrounded by plants is another fish tank.  This one is nicely decorated, with rocks and plastic trailing plants.

Inside were half a dozen different types of fish swimming around.  I can’t remember them all, but a few were blue and several were gold.  Above it is a large water-color drawing of a multi-colored fish.  I don’t see one of those in the tank.  And then the dream ends.

I suspect you are very good at reading people.  I suspect that after seeing a crime scene, even though you may not remember dreaming that night, you wake up the next morning with all kinds of ideas on how to catch the perp.

This dream has told you all you need to know about Stella, and if I were you, I’d stop hesitating and go for it.  This is a woman who’s loyal, honest and possessed of a deeply rooted sense of integrity.  Once she commits to you, she will never betray you.

From the utensils in her kitchen, she probably is a good cook.  Or... the utensils and butcher's block are a metaphor for tools of her trade... if she wants to be a detective, she has the tools to dissect crime scenes and solve crimes.  She's also good at understanding what it takes to "feed" people, i.e., to nourish their health and growth. In her bedroom, this dream clues you that she’s an artist and she actually enjoys studying people.  She’s probably a good reader of character herself, so don’t think to be dishonest or evasive with her. She believes in order.  Her mind’s organized.  She holds her emotional life precious and has specific standards (the drawing) for her ideal man.  Most importantly, while she may have dated, her ideal guy ain’t in the fish tank yet, so you’ve got a chance.

Things to keep in mind if you woo her:

1)      Be colorful.  Don’t bore her.  If you yourself enjoy art, you’re ahead of the game.  If not, at least know the difference between Picasso and Monet.
2) You’re a cop, but remember to bring other elements into your interaction:  Music, movies, trips to the beach, trips to the mountains,  and try to make time for her special friends.
3)    She likes a traditional and simple life.  You won’t impress her with fancy restaurants and champagne.  For her birthday, a thoughtful gift will have more impact than an expensive gift.
4)    Blue is the color of communication, and gold is intuitive insight.  These things are important to her.  In fact, her house is blue, so she’s the type of person who will honestly let you know how she feels about things.   If you want a serious relationship with this woman, communicate with her and pay attention to your insights.  You just may find yourself sharing an enriching life with her inside that tank.

Good luck in achieving your dreams!  And while you’re at it, happy snoozling.

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