Rochelle from Wisconsin emailed me this dream recently:
I think I sort of know what this dream is about, but I can’t figure out the specifics. My husband and I are newlyweds and live in a condo. In the dream, I pass a car where I see a little puppy just sitting in the back seat. I feel sorry for him because it’s cold outside, but I figure it’s none of my business. That night I see the dog still in the car and I get upset. I want to let him out and take him inside my condo.
I consult my husband, Al, but he wants me to mind my own business. The owner can sue us if we take the dog out of the car. The next morning, the dog is still in the car and I know he probably hasn’t eaten. The car door isn’t locked, so I decide to take the dog out. I take him for a run and then I take him upstairs to my place. Al is upset and we get into an argument, but finally he too feels sorry for the dog. We feed the dog and bond with him, to the point where Al is now getting angry at the owner and decides we should keep the dog.
He starts making plans on how we can do that, and we get into an argument again, because I think we should let whoever owns the dog assume his own responsibilities. Al tends to get controlling with people and animals he cares about. He says we’re better owners for the dog because we’re responsible. I argue that the dog might love his owner and maybe the owner has a good reason for leaving the dog in the car. Finally we agree to take the dog to the owner and let the dog choose where he wants to be.
When I woke up, I felt this was sort of about Al’s younger brother, Roy, who is 23 years old, but Al’s still running the major stuff in his life. What I’m seeing is that Roy is still too indecisive and dependent on Al to make his own choices. I feel that Roy will remain that way until Al lets him make his own choices. Is this what the dream is about?
Congratulations! You’re on the way to interpreting your own dreams. It’s significant that the dog becomes a symbol in this dream, because dogs are known for their loyalty, fidelity and strong attachments.
I suspect you have been losing some sleep over this issue. It’s apparent you have strong feelings about your husband’s control of his brother’s life. I think your psyche is encouraging you to continue to share your thoughts with your husband. While your husband seems to be coming from a strong and responsible love for his brother, your concern is valid. A 23-year-old man is a MAN now… he should be paying attention to his own dreams and goals, rather than trying to follow the dreams and goals his older brother defines for him. And, yes, you’re right. Until Roy is forced to make his own decisions, he’ll be trapped in the car, which is a symbol of his older brother’s loving but overprotective shelter for him.
A dog is loyal and as long as the owner keeps him in the car, the dog will trust his owner and agree to follow the owner’s “command.” Because of this, it takes an “outsider” (someone looking at the dog inside the car from outside the car) to see major concerns. For instance… is the dog getting fed (fulfilling self-nourishing needs)? Is he able to eliminate waste (express the “waste” products in his psyche… frustration, anger, resentment)? Is he indeed in harm’s way because the owner is keeping him in the car (unable to manifest his own dreams, which leads to a buildup of frustration, anger and resentment)? In essence, the dog is imprisoned by his own loyalty, unable to be true to himself.
The car is a good place in that it’s a vehicle of progress. It gets you from one place to another, and your husband may be “controlling” his brother’s choices because he wants his brother to move forward from his current situation. This dream is assuring you that your concern for the dog is relevant to the dog’s well-being. Your first step is to get the dog out of the car and into your condo, i.e., help your husband see that the dog needs to get out of that overprotective car.
That means, yes, please continue to share your thoughts with your husband. The fact that at first he doesn’t want you to get involved with the dog suggests he doesn’t want you involved in his decisions about his brother. You might have to jump into the middle of things and say or do something to get that dog out of the car.
I suggest that since your husband is coming from a place of love for his brother, perhaps if you approach the dilemma from that place of brotherly love as well, he will “bond” to the idea of the dog being in the condo rather than in the car, i.e., a less imprisoning environment than a car. The dog will still eat the food you provide, but at least he can choose when and how much to eat. Al can still guide and give advice, but at least Roy can assume how much and when to incorporate into his life. He'll also be able to let you know when he needs to eliminate his psyche's "waste" products.
The dream’s ending shows your husband agreeing to let the owner make the choice for the dog. This suggests that with your help, your husband can reach the point of letting the dog become his own owner, i.e., allowing his younger brother to live his own truth.
Keep up your dream interpretation efforts, Rochelle! Happy snoozling to you.
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