Sunday, February 9, 2014


Here are dreams which a married couple, Chuck and Monica, had on the same night.   I love how our psyches know how to interact and work with the psyche of someone we love.

This is the background:  Chuck’s wife, Monica, is working for a company where there is currently an interim boss. Her career completely rests upon who replaces the interim person. If Boss #1 gets the job, she will surely get fired because that woman dislikes her, is jealous of her, bullies her, and resents the respect Monica naturally acquires through skill, experience, and likeability. If Boss #2 gets the job, Monica will be in heaven, because they get along great and have similar goals/visions.

Chuck dreamt that his wife’s Boss #2 was doing a press tour and was a professional wrestler. Monica accompanied Boss #2 on a wrestling tour and cheered her on as she fought other female wrestlers. At one point Boss #2 was picked up and thrown to the mat. Monica was scared and upset, and as the medics ran to the mat, it was declared that Boss #2 had "broken her butt". Monica cried, knowing that this meant Boss #2 would no longer be able to be her support system and mentor. End of dream.

This is a fairly clear message.   A “broken butt” suggests that perhaps Boss #2 isn’t very good at “taking crap” from people and therefore might have alienated someone in a position to sabotage her rise in the company.  This appears to be a warning dream that Monica’s Boss #2 isn’t likely to win the competition.

While Chuck was dreaming about Boss #2 wrestling, Monica has been having countless nightmares about tornadoes, thunder storms, volcanoes and other natural disasters. While this may be an obvious reflection of her emotional turmoil as a result of work stress, she also thinks it may be related to watching too much "Dr. Who". 

It’s both.  Our psyches are aspects of ourselves and thus communicate with us in a language which we understand and can recognize.

For instance, if a computer engineer dreams about the circuitry in his brain pfitzzing out, he’ll understand that the reason he’s having girlfriend problems is because there’s a break in communication between them… and specifically with his own thinking process.  The message to him is that he needs to fix that belief process before his romantic relationship can heal.

A woman who can’t work the computer beyond turning it on won’t get this kind of dream because it’s simply not in her vernacular.  If her job is walking dogs, the same dream message to her will most likely be in symbols of that familiar terrain.  Perhaps she’ll dream that her favorite male dog is barking like crazy during one of their walks, but she can’t hear a sound.  Then she discovers her ears are filled with wax.  From this dream, she can thus understand that she’s “deaf” or simply not listening to the meaning behind someone's words... someone who's important to her and whom she loves.  If she thinks about it maybe she'll remember... oh yes, she just had a fight with her boyfriend who accused her of not listening to him.

Thus, since Monica watches a lot of “Dr. Who,” her psyche will send her a message in symbols from familiar terrain.  Her psyche is sending her a message that there are storms looming in the horizon, and since she’s anxious about the Boss outcome at her work, then she’s being warned to prepare herself for thunder and lightning in her work place.  These are natural forces which can indeed lead to disaster, so the difficulty is not with her personally… but rather her work environment.   Her husband’s dream was a more specific warning, using his familiarity with “wrestling” to get the message across.

So know yourselves, snoozlers!   Then you will be able to understand your own dreams more clearly.

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