Tuesday, December 31, 2013


This is a short, simple one.

A young Seattle, Washington woman shared this dream with me.  She is in the computer technology industry and has risen through the ranks very swiftly.

I am driving along the highway, moving very speedily.  I notice that there are a lot of accidents by the side of the freeway.  The first is a collision between two cars.  The second is a car which has swerved onto some bushes by the side of the highway.  And the third is a motorcycle which has been hit by another car.

To analyze this dream, I had one simple question to ask the Dreamer.  I asked her if she’s recently received a promotion in her job.  She answered that in fact she had.  She was promoted over others who had been in the company far longer than she.  She’d developed an excellent relationship with her supervisor, who indicated he was very impressed with her work.

This dream became very easy to interpret after that.   If we consider the highway travel a metaphor for movement within a work environment, being stuck beside the road suggests stagnation, suspension or even termination at work.

The most important message is that Dreamer should consider herself on the “fast track” for more promotions to come.

There are two ways to interpret the rest of the dream.

The first interpretation suggests this is a "heads up" dream of events that will occur in her place of employment.  Very likely at least three individuals are going to be casualties at work.  The first car collision suggests conflict because of difference of opinion or clash of personalities.  The first individual might be in danger of being terminated because of that.

The second individual who swerves off the highway is in danger because (s)he can’t stay on track… maybe his/her attitude is unacceptable to the powers-that-be.  Or maybe this individual possesses an uncooperative personality which is counter-constructive and inefficient.  It could even suggest that this person is going through a personal dilemma which is distracting him/her from focusing on the job, and a major mistake might occur.

The third individual on a motorcycle being hit by another car has probably stepped on a superior’s toes and is in danger of losing his/her job because of that.
In any event, Dreamer herself is safe and, in fact, is escalating to positions of greater responsibilities and/or income.

In this interpretation, Dreamer's psyche sent her this dream to give her a heads up to changes in her work environment.  These changes won't interfere with her own upward mobility.  These casualties occurred to the other individuals because of something they did, whether it was by their careless driving or their not paying attention to the warning signs on the road.

The second interpretation is a "warning" message.  Dreamer is being warned to pay attention to the elements of her own journey:

 She must stay aware of other cars traveling on the same highway with her.
 Keep track of who's following too closely and aggressively behind her... or too slowly in front of her.
 Focus on the goal ahead.   If something on the road causes her to waver and change lanes, then stay alert and get back on the main lane.  Stay on track.
 Don't let an authority figure(s) push her so hard she's forced off the road.
 Know how fast to go and remember there will be consequences if you exceed the speed restrictions posted along the way.
  Finally, be clear as to the capabilities of your own car.  You don’t want to generate a breakdown if your journey exceeds the capabilities of your vehicle.

Actually, both interpretations apply.  It could be a “heads up” alert and a “warning” guidance message.

To all my readers, be kind to yourself.  Listen to the messages from your Dreaming Self.  It exists only to comfort you, support you and guide you through life. 

Happy snoozles to you all. 

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