Friday, August 11, 2017


This one is from Grace in North Dakota:

I’m dreaming about my eyebrows.  I have light eyebrows and tend to fill them in with brow pencil.  The eyebrow over my right eye is done and looks good.  It’s curved and nicely shaped.  As I work on the eyebrow over my left eye, my hands aren’t too steady and the shape goes out of whack.  The shape is all wrong, angular and crooked and lacking any grace.  I wake up, wondering if eyebrows have a meaning in dreams.

A short and sweet dream but still filled with meaning.

Among the many metaphysical books I’ve studied, one was about facial symbolism as investigated by the Chinese.  The shape of the face, the mouth, nose and eyes, the appearance of moles in certain locations of the face, the groove under the nose, the nostrils, fa-ling lines (curves from edge of nose to around mouth)… all these depict an aspect of a person’s character.

Eyes of course are traditionally the gates which allow perceptions to enter so that the mind can act upon what the eyes see.  Then we react to whatever comes into the gates of our mind.  Our beliefs and attitudes trigger reactions, thoughts and feelings about what we perceive.

So what do eyebrows mean?  If the hair on one’s head symbolize the thoughts which the mind creates, then eyebrows are the ideas and beliefs which protect and enhance what one sees. 

Now we also have to factor in the right side of the face vs. the left side.  The right brain expresses on the left side of the body, which physically manifest the abstract, spiritual and emotional aspects of ourselves.  The left brain expresses on the right side of our body, which manifests as rational, logical and mathematical type of thinking.

Factoring all these things in, I suggested to Grace that since her right brow, which protects and “oversees” her right eye is well formed, she has found a nice balance in how she views and reacts to life in abstract, spiritual and emotional ways.  If someone insults her or gives her the finger or anything like that, she is able to gracefully process that fact emotionally and spiritually.  At the same time, her rational thinking (left eyebrow) about that event would be erratic and imbalanced. Using this example, her emotions would be balanced about the insult.  She would assure herself that it’s not worth getting upset about.  It’s a free country and people can say and do whatever they want.  She wouldn’t go into rage mode and attack the offender in retaliation.

However, the thoughts that are trying to rationalize (left eyebrow) the situation are askew and ill-shaped.  While she’s got her emotions in control, she’s also thinking, “What did I do to this person that they hate me?  Did I make a mistake in something I said or did which makes them react this way?  IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME?”

The mathematical formula Grace is using in dealing with events in her life does not add up.  A person’s reaction to her or how that person treats her may not necessarily be about herself.  Rather, it could just as easily be because the flaw exists in the other person who is acting in a way not rationally balanced.

My suggestion to Grace is that she hold her head up, suck in her gut and try to reshape that left eyebrow.  Start from scratch.  Wash away the brow pencil’s marks.  Grace, your psyche is telling you that you are misapplying belief systems ABOUT YOURSELF which are not true to your nature.  Do you believe that you’re weak?  That your character is flawed?  That you simply cannot discern truth when it’s intermixed with lies?   Take time to reassess yourself.  Maybe there’s nothing wrong with you at all.  Consider that the flaw is in the other people who treat you because of their own hangups and delusions. 

If you have made decisions which you now realize were mistakes, don’t be so hard on yourself.  You’re human.  That means failure and mistakes are a necessary process to achieve balance and grace.

Happy snoozling, Grace, and to everyone else out there reading these dream interpretations.  All is well with the world.

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