Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Lynnie lives in Nebraska and shares her dream with us:

I work for a big company where there are a lot of supervisors.  One of the supervisors, Brent, and I share a love of animals.  In the dream, I enter a huge building which is mostly empty.  I greet him and he tells me that he’s collected a lot of feral kittens which need to be neutered and spayed.  They’re all in cages of many different sizes.  Some have doors, and others don’t.  I’m impressed that he’s collected so many kittens by himself.  Then I notice that a lot of them are dirty.  No litter boxes have been provided, and no feeding bowls or even food. Some of the kittens clearly need medical help of some type, and a few look like they won’t even make it.

An empty building represents a POTENTIAL environment populated by a community of like-minded individuals.  Brent works with Lynnie, so we’ll assume that this is their work environment.  Since Lynnie, our dreamer, and Brent are both animal lovers, kittens symbolize newborn ideas, theories and belief systems which are ripe for development (i.e., "pet" theories).  Of course “feral” kittens need to be domesticated and controlled, so it appears many of the ideas and goals envisioned by the business company are still very much in the wild-idea stage. Brent himself essentially represents the authority figures – those who have the power to realize the visions of the company.  However, at this point, they don’t even know how to begin (no doors) and how to organize and control such ideas (open doors).  In addition, the authority figures haven’t planned for the care, guidance and development which will be needed to realize the potential of the situation.

As I look around, I see the kittens are escaping from the open cages, and those stuck in their cages are either listless, sick or starving.  I tell Brent this and he sort of shrugs, focused on simply finding and collecting the kittens.  I see two other workers come in.  I’m glad to see them and I tell them about our kitten dilemma and ask them to help me.  A woman enters the building and overhears what I’m doing.  She comes up to me and asks me, “Who do you think you are coming in here telling my employees what to do?”  This really pisses me off. All I’m trying to do is help the poor kittens.  So I tell her, “I was just trying to help!  If you don’t get that, I’m not wasting any more of my time.”  The dream ends as I walk out of the building.

I emailed Lynnie back and asked her if something new had happened to her work environment.  Move to a new location?  Get a new president?  She explained to me that her company had just been bought out by a bigger company.   OK, that makes sense.

Her psyche is sending Lynnie a warning message.  I suspect that she’s been unhappy about her job situation even before the takeover, and that the  bigger company which absorbed them has goals which are even more difficult to realize.   Now she’s so unhappy she’s ready to quit.

This dream is showing her a lot of things:

●        First of all, it’s showing her the POTENTIAL of the company.  The people in power have plenty of ideas and goals, but so far, they don’t have the appropriate infrastructure in place to realize those goals.  This is GREAT!  No furniture to get rid of.  No walls to break down.  IT’S ALL OPEN FOR GROWTH. 

●        Next, she’s already inside… a part of the populace WHO HAS THE POWER TO INFLUENCE AND AFFECT the growth that occurs here.

●        Third, she already has a connection with an authority figure who’s willing (and needs) to accept her help.

●        Finally, Lynnie’s dream is showing her that, apparently, the powers-that-be already recognize her ability, not only to discern the ideas and goals of the company, but to understand which can’t be realized because of insurmountable blocks (no egress from cages) or are too weakly thought out (dying kittens), or are otherwise simply not viable (escaped kittens).  Not many people have these talents.  And even if they do, they may not have the additional talent of knowing how to nurture the idea into full growth.  And, even if they had that too, very few would have the PASSION to do something about it.  Lynnie’s psyche is telling her, “You’re a visionary, an organizer, a resourceful leader, and you have the passion to make things happen."

The final skill she needs to bring to bear is COMMITMENT.   Her psyche is showing her that she possesses too much pride and ego to commit to a task when she might be censured for being too pro-active, or for being underappreciated and misunderstood.

Her psyche is asking her, “Will you turn away from this incredible opportunity to make a big difference in a company which evidently needs your help… all because some authority figure gets enflamed into a flare-up fueled by control-issues?

Lynnie, please think deeply and seriously about this.  The issue is not about your pride being wounded or your self-importance being challenged.  The issue is:  WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN TO THOSE KITTENS if you leave now?

A lot of things to snoozle about, eh? 

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